Number of Schools
GNCT of Delhi0
Total Registered Teachers0
Total Teacher
Teachers Opted Aatmaavalokanam0
Total Teacher
Yet to Opt for Aatmaavalokanam0
Face to Face CPD
Number of Teachers Trained0
Online Programs
Number of Teachers TrainedLevel 1 :- 0
Level 2 :- 0

State Council of Education Research and Training Delhi [SCERT-Delhi] and Samskrit Promotion Foundation [SPF], Delhi have signed an MoU for collaboration and cooperation in mutual area of interest under the framework of National Education Policy 2020 [NEP 2020]. In particular, the emphasis is on enhancing the language, leadership and technical skills of Sanskrit Teachers through “Continuous Professional Development” programs. This training program for Sanskrit Teachers is designed specially for SCERT-Delhi based on the guidelines of NEP 2020.